Why does Octagon fights against ninjas?

Why does Octagon fights against ninjas?

Why does Octagon fights against ninjas?

Ninjas, arms dealers and cops. What else can you ask for in a movie? Well, you can also ask for OCTAGON and ATLANTIS. 

The movie called "la revancha" or the revenge in english is a movie produced in the early 90s. At the time 2 wrestlers were very popular amongs the people in Mexico. Bot of them from Mexico City. The Atlantis and The octagon were partners in the ring and got so well known that they were choosen to revive the wrestling films.

At that time, not many wrestlers movies were being produced but the productions tried to revive the hype for it. The adventure and the plot was rather simple. A drug dealer that couldn't get trapped and the cops needing the help of 2 luchadores to capture him.

La revancha (1992) - IMDb

In the old times, the main wrestlers for movies would be El santo, Blue demon, or even Mil maks but by the time this film was made, those figthers would be considered a legend already and wouldnt be in shape (maybe) to create a film. Is that or the fact that those wrestlers would charge a lot of money for a production like that because of their status as legendary fighters.


Now you can find the movie in youtube or some other websites where you pay a subscription and watch it. Probably, You'll feel that it did not age very well but still has a nostalgic aura. If you like the wrestling folk you should watch it. 

And rememeber that you can always get your Atlantis and Octagon Mask at the store for a very low price. Why not taking these 2 masks so you are ready to fight the evil ninjas.