Why are there 2 Parkas fighting? L.A Park VS La Parka
Why are there 2 Parkas fighting? L.A Park VS La Parka
Wait, are we seeing double? is that true? Are there 2 parkas?
There's no trick here, there was well known event that every fan of the lucha libre knows and its when La Parka, the wrestler that fought many years for the AAA asociation of lucha was confronted by another parka namedd L.A. Park. The thing is that L.A was the original parka. the very first one and on that fight of skeletal luchadors 1 of them would loose the right to use the parka name.
L.A Park With Jean Claude Van Dame
To understand the confusion we must know that L.A was, in fact, the original PARKA from the 90s. He was a wrestler from the "rudos" side which fought very aggresively and always with the evil team. At the same time La parka of AAA was figthing under the name of Karis the mummy. Whoever this figther had different faces under that name. One being a monster face and another bieng a mask of bandages as a typical mummy of a movie.
L.A Tried luck in the USA and moved there to begin his carrer as an independant wrestler leaving the mexican company. So, in Mexicokaris the mummy was being very popular and also had won a few masks already on matches. Eventually, Karis evolved as a wrestler and got the chance to et the name of La parka, figthing as La parka JR. But he got so well known that people stopped calling him JR and begun refering to him as La parka.
This is the most famous parka of exico, and now that we understand that he was not the original, we can understand why L.A Park gave one of the blodiest luchas ever.
It was in a regular lucha where la parka was figthing when L.A park Appeared in the arena. He got the mic and called the original parka to answerwhy he had his name. L.A park returned to mexico to fight but he coudnt use his previous name. In fact it was a whole different character. People knew that L.A park was very rude, very savage and that his fighting style wasless artistic but more powerful. La parka in the other hand was a charismatic character that had a comic style often playing tricks to rivals but also a character that could take a fight seriously.
So the wagger was set. The parkas would fight and the looser would not be able to ever fight with the parka name again. That match was one of the most intense matches ever seen that reunited public from everywere. People was divided in 2 sides. The ones with la parka and the ones with L.A. There was no favorite as the public was cheering both wrestlers.
The match ended in a very dramatic way when a wrong moe knocked out the referee. Then the promotors interveined and 2 wrestlers from "Los perros del mal" got into the ring to suppor L.A for a few seconds.
An unauthorized referee counted to 3 making it seem like L.A won, but, the comission of wresling in Mexico said that the match was not valid because the referee was not authorized to make the count. So none of the wrestlers lost the right to use the name of parka or park.
They had a chance to fight a hand to hand later. And the match was won by La Parka at thattime but still it wasnt a clean fight.
La Parka died on 2020, leaving the lucha libre world shocked. Every wrestler paid his respects to the character of la parka whose name was Jesús Alfonso Escoboza. Many people asked L.A Park if with thishe would get the name back and continue the legacy of la parka but he answered with a tweet and said that no one could ever fill the gap that la parka left and that he wanted everyone to honor his lucha libre name. He expressed his respect for his rival and asked people to direct their prayers to the family of la parka.
What do you think? did you know that la parka was not the very first but became the legend?
Check out these classic L.A park and La Parka masks that we have here and get yours now!