The night of the guitarrazo. Cien caras vs Rayo de Jalisco Jr

The night of the guitarrazo. Cien caras vs Rayo de Jalisco Jr

The night of the guitarrazo. Cien caras vs Rayo de Jalisco Jr

On 1990 one of the most waited matches of all was happening. The rivals on the ring were Rayo de Jalisco Jr and Cien Caras. The arena that could hold 16,000 people but 30,000 people was ther at the time of the match. The reason for it was that Cien caras and rayo de jalisco bet their masks for this fight. It was going to be a match to remember forever but not only because these 2 had a rivality of a couple of years, but also because cien caras had a particular way to receive Rayo.

Before the match had begun the rivality was already tense. Many remember cien caras figthing on the "tecnicos side" wich rayo de jalisco jr was fighting too. In fact, cien caras and rayo were partners in more than 1 ocation but is said that during a match in 1984 where cien caras, mascara año 2000 and rayo de jalisco jr battled the Satanicos, Rayo jumped out of the ring an hit Cien caras. 

With this Cien caras realized that he did not wanted to fight with the "good" team and he became a "rudo" wrestler becoming a headache for rayo de Jalisco. Much time had to pass untill rayo and cien caras had a match 1v1 betting their mask just after years that cien caras was a Rudo already.

Match of the Day: Rayo de Jalisco Jr. Vs. Cien Caras (1990) — Lucha Central

So then the match was about to begin. Cien caras arrived first to the ring and waited tof the rayo presentation. Rayo got into the ring but first there was a mariachi waiting for him already and playing music. It was a signature presentation that el rayo would get into the ring wearing a mariachi outifit and for such an important match he would not skip it. 

El rayo walked trough people, got into the ring and just a few moments before he could cross the ropes into the ring, cien caras hit him in the head with a guitar that he took from one of the mariachis. 

Rayo de Jalisco vs Cien caras

Art by Nebrag

People was confused, Cien caras was crazy and very happy on the ring. He had at least hit the pride of rayo de Jalisco and no matter what, everyone would rember that moment forever. 

The match could begin and cien caras dominated the first round. He got a lot of moves and hits on rayo de jalisco and applied an "abrazo de oso invertido" on rayo to submit him on the first round and get the advantage. Then on the second round Rayo recuperated and hit cien caras even more than he did to him before, this gave rayo a second wind and he could get the victory on that round. It was now all about to end on the third round. There was no escape or way to stop it, the match had to end.

After a very close match, both wrestlers were giving it all, none wanted to forfeit or loose the mask. They grappled each other and showed their best moves. But in the end, El rayo was able to submit cien caras making the referee count to 3 and getting the victory.

Many would have thought that cien caras would have its carrer ended but in fact it was the opposite. Cien caras got even more popular withouth his mask and everyone remember the match as the night when Cien caras gave a "Guitarrazo" to el rayo more than the night when cien caras lost his mask.

What do you think? did you know this story? its one of the most famous and it puts 2 very famous wrestlers. You can not miss the chance to get your own mask!
Take a look!